Wine Distributors and Wineries

Wine makers and wine distributors need the conditions to be just right in order to provide a product that's enjoyable. Wineries both large and small, rely heavily on reliable packaging to deliver their handcrafted products to their customers, partners, and other distributors across the country and on a global scale. That's where LPM Systems can help. 

With packaging solutions like black and red wine wax and stretch wrap, wine makers and wine distributors can have confidence that their product will make it to it's next destination safely. 

Wine makers also need the appropriate adhesives, for safe distribution of the product. With 3M glue sticks and 3M low melt glue sticks and many more adhesive options, wine distributors can count on LPM to provide the adhesives, wraps and waxes they need. 

If you have a special need or piece of equipment for your business, give us a call or send us an email on our contact page.

Product List:
Wax Wine Sticks

Price: $533.25